
Mosquito season opening!

During the May holidays, the traditional opening event of the mosquito season will take place, where several million mosquitoes and nature lovers will gather at lakes, rivers, parks and in their summer homes to enjoy the warm weather and celebrate the arrival of mosquitoes.

Early in the morning, mosquitoes will gather at people's favorite places for grilling, fishing and leisure to discuss the plan of the day and wake up the sleeping mosquitoes. At the beginning of the day, the mosquito's favorite composition, which this year has also become the opening anthem of the season - "Ode to Joy" ( "Ode" as a mosquito in Latvian ) will be played through all the speakers in the country.

Around noon, the first sifting of the day is planned, which will gather several thousand mosquitoes both from Riga and various regions. During the event, sports activities are planned, in which people will also be able to participate and become a part from the mosquito speed competition, informative and educational lectures and presentations on mosquito eating habits, daily life and opportunities to reduce the annual number of dead mosquitoes are also planned. There will also be an opportunity to talk to mosquitoes face to face and ask them a questions such as how mosquitoes choose what and where to eat for dinner, how they always know where to look for prey and what they are eating most likeably. We can whisper that one of the main factors as mosquitoes choose their dinner is carbon dioxide (CO2), which is most concentrated in unventilated rooms.

In the afternoon, mosquitoes want to attract the attention of non-flying ballers with a campaign: “Protect the mosquito and yourself - put a sieve! ”, of which they hope to draw the attention of the Latvian population to the problem of violence against mosquitoes. With the help of this campaign, mosquitoes want every inhabitant to hear that mosquitoes have already accustomed to the usual smoke candles and chemical repellents, and they will not protect anyone. In addition, escaping mosquitoes in their natural environment - in nature, is also useless, so mosquitoes will draw the attention of the population to the fact that they choose effective means of protection in houses. The most effective and safest way to protect yourself, your pets and children from mosquito bites in the room and in the sweet night's sleep? Mosquitoes have an answer to this - RIPO insect screens, which are available for different types and sizes of windows and doors. The screens will prevent mosquitoes from entering the premises. Both human and ode life will be protected.

After the campaign, the mosquitoes will divide in flocks and each will go to their place of sifting. It should be noted that throughout the event, visitors are encouraged to strictly follow all safety measures and a distance of two meters, which, of course, does not apply to the mosquitoes themselves. Traffic will not be restricted during the event.

This year, the most important thing, as always, is to have a good weather. However, if time does not pamper us, then we will move the event to a sunnier and warmer day or the next weekend. A special drescode is applied to the event - "Dark tones and shorts".

The opening of the mosquito season is one of the most anticipated and oldest events in the world, to which more and more visitors and interested people come every year. This year we have decided to talk directly about mosquito protection solutions and spend a fantastic time together.